Does Your Routine Need a Redo?

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2020

Did you know that you’re in a relationship with your routine? 

Hear me out. 

You wake up with it, you go to sleep with it. You leverage it to achieve all of your goals and dreams. 

So why are you still using a routine that doesn’t make you feel like the shining star that I know you are? 

Keep reading for some ideas to revamp your routine so you can set yourself up for success. 


Are you still rolling over and checking the ‘gram first thing in the morning? 

Start thinking about your goals on a day-to-day basis. 

➡️  Do you want to accomplish tasks inside of your business?

➡️  Do you have client calls coming up today? 

➡️  How about a call with your coach? 

➡️  Personal obligations? 

Whatever it is, spending the morning on social media is a time suck. Let’s think about the ways we could set this up so you’re at peak productivity from the first moment of your day. 


Example Routine

☀️ Wake Up

☀️ Stretch/Morning Coffee 

☀️ Journal Daily Intentions 

☀️ Check Schedule 

☀️ Breakfast 

☀️ Start Your Day 

The beauty of this is the
flexibility to switch activities out as needed. Then, you can revisit some of your networking activities when they fit into your schedule instead of losing 20 minutes to the scroll. 

Working Hours

Whether these are mornings, afternoons, or evenings, you want to make sure that you have a routine set in place. Time blocking and organizing yourself are so beneficial so that you’re minimizing that wasted time and prioritizing your working time. 

 Just imagine that feeling of relief at the end of your work day, looking back and seeing everything you’ve been able to accomplish. Isn’t that so much better than rushing back to work after dinner because you didn’t finish your daily tasks? 


Example Routine

➡️  10:00-11:00 - Content Creation 

➡️  11:00-12:00 - Client Calls 

➡️  12:00-1:00 - Lunch 

➡️  1:00-3:00 - Client Calls 

➡️  3:00-5:00 - Biz Tasks 


Confused on where to start? Don’t worry, I got you. 

List out your top priorities of an upcoming day in the week. Then organize your schedule around them. Set alarms or timers on your phone and stick to that schedule


This is another one where so much time can be wasted or unused. Imagine how nice it will feel when you can take the time to cook a really nice meal, sit down and enjoy every bite of it without the added pressure of unfinished tasks weighing on your mind. 

You deserve to have the time to unwind, watch some Netflix, enjoy a glass of wine and take care of YOU! 

Some people love to journal or meditate at night. Whatever you choose to do, make it something that you enjoy. 

Use the same strategy that we used for those working hours, set your priorities and then keep your promises to yourself. 

If you don’t keep promises to yourself, nobody else will. 

Break up with your bad routine. Start a new relationship with a routine that makes you feel amazing. 

Let me know in the comments, what’s one thing you’ll start implementing into your routine?


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