Are You A Goal Getter?

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2021

Whether you’re currently working towards something big or you have in the past, your whole process for setting goals is going to be instrumental in terms of whether or not you’re successful. 

If you’re looking at your to-do list and immediately feeling stressed out - it’s time to reassess how you’re setting your goals. 

I’ve got a few ideas to get you started. 

Work backwards

Figure out what your big goal is. $10k months? $100k year? Losing 50 lbs? Running 10 miles? Whatever your big goal is, establish that FIRST. 

Once you know what you want, you can work backwards to figure out the steps you need to take to get to your goal. 

Set small goals

You know what your big goal is. You’ve figured out the steps you need to take for the big goal. NOW, you’re going to set a series of small goals that will help you to get to the big goal. 

We don’t just wake up making $10k months - we work to get there. So, the starting point should be the first few SMALL goals you can set for yourself and work towards. 



When you hit every single one of those small goals and milestones - CELEBRATE your wins! Take the time to really feel into each one. When you rush through the small wins, it makes it a lot harder to achieve all of the big, scary goals. 

The last thing that I absolutely want you to remember - if you don’t hit your goals by a certain time, it does not mean you’ve failed. It does not mean you’re not worthy of the thing you want. 

All it means is that thing happen in their own time AND you have to be ready and available for that success. 


What are your big, scary goals? Tell me in the comments!


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