3 Tips to Improve Your Content

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2021

Imagine being 1/2 way to your July income goal on day 1!?! Mind blowing, right?⁣ That was a win shared with me by a current client!

Can you believe it? How amazing would it be to start your next quarter with results like that? If you are looking for a method that works, you’ll want to stick around for me top 3 tips to get YOU results like that.

Three Things You Can Do To Maximize Your Results:

  1. Plan your content around what you are promoting! When you’re social media content matches your biz content, you are doing it right! If you’re promoting a nutrition plan - stop posting random things about the workout clothes you just got! Save that for your story for now! Having a plan will help keep your audience focused on what is important right now!

  2. Plan your trainings and free content around what your ideal client is asking for! Trust me, I know this seems obvious, but so many times people ignore the questions that their ideal clients are begging for! Give the people what they want! If you’re a health coach, your people are asking for that summer body! You know, the abs, the booty, the confidence at the pool party - create content around this! Stop sharing things you THINK they want! Create around what they actually ask for!

  3. Plan out how you will show social proof weekly and daily! Think about it: when you are on the fence about following through with or even purchasing something, you go to the reviews! Does this work? Will it work for me? Is this worth my time? Share ALL of the proof that what you’re promoting WORKS!👏

By using these 3 tips, you can reach your income goals and make sure that your client is getting what they want! Ready to take this to the next level? DM me and we can make sure that you are achieving all of your goals...and more!


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