A high-level mentorship experience that you need, in order to fully embody your message and your power, stand out on Instagram to attract your ideal client with ease and fun, and build a business that scales to the income and reach that you dream of!

FYB&SM helps online health, wellness, and fitness coaches scale their business (finally make the money you deserve), grow their social media to reach their ideal client (no more crickets when you post, people actually WANT to engage), and go from feelings of overwhelm, confusion, and burnout → to confident, organized, and aligned in their work and message!


Are you tired of trying to figure it all out alone?

(I mean, it hasn’t worked yet, has it?)



→ you’ve been running around in circles to gain clients, fill your programs, and reach your ideal follower? Only to end up at square one, overwhelmed, frustrated, and lost? 

→ the market is so oversaturated and you fear that you won’t succeed?

→ you share your greatness with the world on social media and hear nothing but crickets when you offer your services

→ you're alone, like no one understands what you’re trying to do with your business, and lost on this journey?

→ you struggle with what to do, say, and share to be seen by your ideal client on IG?

→ you receive the “You’re so inspiring” message, but they never buy from you?




Don’t you wish that you could live the life of all the other entrepreneurs you’re creeping on, on IG?

You know, the ones who get to work from home in their yogas, travel whenever, create their optimal schedule, and sell out all of their offers?




You wake up, whenever you want. Jump out of bed with excitement and eagerness for your day! Brew yourself your favorite cup of coffee, mozy on over to your home office and do your ideal morning routine, on your time!

Open up your computer and find that your applications and notifications are POPPIN’! You have a set plan on what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, and who you are working with! You know exactly how to show up for your clients, your followers, and your future clients.

You get to break whenever you want, and you end your workday whenever the heck you want, to be with your loved ones and disconnect from “work”!

Imagine never having to chase for clients because you know how to attract them to you!

Imagine having a brand that is so YOU, that you never feel fear, overwhelm, or scarcity to show up!

Imagine showing up confident AF on your social media sharing your greatness with the world, with ease!

Imagine having your programs and products sold out with ease because you know how to market yourself to people who are obsessed with your work!

Imagine having clarity, support, and direction in your business, your work, and your LIFE!






If you had the opportunity to learn from a woman who, in her first year of business, went from 1,000 → over 90K followers organically, sold out all of her fitness and nutrition challenges, had over 400 1:1 applications, collaborated with over 30 companies, and consistently made 10K+ months, would you?


As a Flourishing Babe, what do you get?

As a 1:1 client, you get:

Hour Long Calls Every Week

Weekly hour-long phone calls between you and me, where we work through strategy for your business and branding, to make you stand out on IG and in your niche! Along with all the deep work to help you overcome limiting beliefs and money mindset blocks! These calls are very tailored to what YOU need!

Voxer Access to Me (Business Hours)

Access to me during my business hours on voxer (M-F 9am - 5pm) and you'll receive a response before 24hours if you voxer during my "off" hours! This is amazing for when you need ideas worked through, help with specific conversations, posts, stories, mindset work, etc.

My Focused Attention on your mind + wellness

We focus A lot of our attention to what is needed for your mindset, confidence, and self-love! While working together, we dig deep into this so your plan of action will be personalized to help transform your life. Not only is your business important but so is your personal life!

Full Access to Entire Product Suite

Access to my full product suite - bonus video modules and any time that I launch anything during our time together, you get access for FREE!

One VIP day in FL with Meagen

1 full day in Florida together, to create FIRE content and map out your dream vision for success!



→ You are COMMITTED to the idea of finding a true peace and love for who you are and what you provide
→ You are SERIOUS about taking it ALL to the next level (body, mind, soul, & business)
→ You are DONE watching others succeed as you throw your phone in frustration, screaming “why not me?”
→  You are READY to invest in yourself financially 
 You feel an authentic, trusting, and aligned connection to me!





50% Complete

Two Step

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